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 Livio Rossetti | Homepage| ALCUNI LIBRI| PRESOCRATICI| SOFISTI| SOCRATE, SOCRATICI| PLATONE| PHILOSOPHEIN| MACRO-RETORICA | DIRITTO ATTICO| INFORMATICA E...| ALTRI ARGOMENTI| In uscita| Bibliografia 2013-15| Bibliografia 2010/12| Bibliografia 2007/09| Bibliografia 2004/06| Bibliografia 2001/03| Bibliografia 1996/00| Bibliografia 1991/95| Bibliografia 1986/90| Bibliografia 1981/85| Bibliografia 1976/80| Bibliografia 1971/75| Curriculum| Contatti| Inoltre |

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Livio Rossetti  
Bibliografia 2013-15


237 - Filosofia 2.0, volume di Marco Bastianelli in collaborazione con L. Rossetti
Milano, Apogeo, 2013, 186 p.
.: la scheda editoriale
.: alcune pagine su Google Books

238 - Cominciare a misurare il cosmo. La precisione di cui fu capace Talete e il Sole “largo quanto un piede umano” (Eraclito)
Babelonline 13, 2013, 35-52
Thales is said to have undertaken several very special measurements. This paper deals with two of them: the news that, unexpectedly, seasons differ in length; the apparent diameter (angular width) of sun and moon.
A special attention is paid to the probable performance strategies.
A related topic, dealt with in § 4, is Heraclitus’ claim that the size of the sun is that of a human foot. It is argued that, in all likelihood, this famous sentence is but a parody of one of these accomplishments by Thales, his 1/720 (Diog. Laert. I 24). Some further remarks (§ 5) deal with the evidence about Thales’ celebrity among his contemporaries.
As to the overall meaning of his seminal work, it will be argued that the traditional portrayal of Thales is not worth being maintained, since Thales the investigator has much greater merits than those commonly ascribed to him.

the full paper, a related text, and a related comix

239 - M. Laura Gemelli Marciano et al., ELEATICA 2007: Parmenide: suoni, immagini, esperienza.
A cura di Livio Rossetti e Massimo Pulpito
Sankt Augustin [Germania], Academia Verlag, 2013, 304 p.
.: La copertina
.: L'indice del volume
.: L'introduzione (p. 7-42)
Il volume propone:
- un'ampia introduzione,
- il testo delle lezioni tenute dalla Prof. Gemelli Marciamo nel corso di ELEATICA 2007,
- la discussione con nove interventi,
- la replica della Prof. Gemelli Marciano.
Parmenide è davvero quel filosofo speculativo quale è stato presentato nella tradizione filosofica occidentale? Se si abbandonano i pre-supposti 'filosofici' che guidano le interpretazioni moderne e si legge il poema come l'autore stesso lo descrive, una rivelazione divina, con tutto ciò che questo comporta, e lo si inquadra nel suo contesto storico-culturale Velino e Magno-Greco, la risposta è no. Parmenide descrive vividamente l'esperienza di una catabasi profondamente reale e trasformativa, guidata dalla divinità. Attraverso la parola 'performativa', fatta di suoni, immagini, 'catene verbali', la dea conduce il poeta al di là di ogni separazione e distinzione umana, ad un diverso stato di coscienza, alla quiete assoluta, all'esperienza dell'esistenza stessa.
Queste ed altre tesi hanno dato luogo ad una vivace discussione con Giovanni Casertano, Néstor-Luis Cordero, Gabriele Cornelli, Enrique Hülsz Piccone, Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, Lidia Palumbo e Massimo Pulpito (su Parmenide), Antonietta D'Alessandro e Livio Rossetti (su Zenone).

240 - Un contesto per i paradossi di Zenone
in M. Laura Gemelli Marciano et al., ELEATICA 2007: Parmenide: suoni, immagini, esperienza [= n. 238], 206-214.
.: testo dell'articolo
Propongo di ravvisare il contesto primario in cui è appropriato inquadrare i paradossi di Zenone (1) negli enigmi, (2) nell'agone teatrale, (3) nella cultura delle antilogie, ossia nella capacità di ideare situazioni apparentemente senza sbocco.

241 - Plato's and Aristotle's 'bad' summaries of the Republic
in N. Notomi-L. Brisson (eds.), Dialogues on Plato's Republic. Selected Papers from the Ninth Symposium Platonicum (Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, 2013), 355-360
un frammento dell'articolo
In the case of the Republic we have the immense privilege of being able to read in full both a summary authored by Plato himself and a second summary authored by Aristotle himself. One could imagine that so authoritative summaries have deeply affected all (or at least most) subsequent ways of interpreting the mammoth dialogue, but it is very easy to realise that things went not so. Nobody -- I repeat, nobody -- has ever been convinced by those summaries, since they seem to be pretty bad summaries.
This paper is devoted to explore so amazing an event in classical scholarship, an event which has often been ignored.

242 - Una tartaruga irraggiungibile
Disegni di Andrea Mannino, 16 p.
Supplemento alle riviste DIOGENE MAGAZINE (n° 32/2013) e IL PARADOSSO (n° 4/2013)
three out of twelve pages / tre delle dodici tavole
A set of 48 stripes has been devotes to tell the story of Achilles and the tortue. A qualifying feature is that the story, told by Zeno himself to his fellow citizens, does not finish with a 'solution' but leaves the problem open. A key point is that everybody in the story, Zeno included, assumes that the task of 'Achilles' is easy to be accomplished and, therefore, the paradox should lie elsewhere.

243 - When Pythagoras was still Living in Samos (Heraclitus, frg. 129)
in G. Cornelli-R. McKirahan-C. Macris (eds.), On Pythagoreanism (Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013), 63-76
un frammento dell'articolo
Can we come to form an idea of what sort of person Pythagoras was when he was still living in Samos, i.e. before installing himself in Croton? And what precisely does Heraclitus fragment 129 tell us about the sort of person he was in the Samian period of his life? Many scholars from Burkert to Huffman incline to deny that, when in Samos, Pythagoras may have been a remarkably different person from what he was (or became, and in any case was known to be) once installed in Croton. However, this paper is devoted to explore a pretty different line of interpretation of the evidence.

244 - L’ideazione del pinax, “mediale Innovation” di Anassimandro
in D. Leão-G. Cornelli-M. Peixoto (eds.), Dos Homens e suas Ideias. Estudos sobre as Vidas de Diógenes Laércio, Coimbra 2013, 89-100
the whole paper
The main claim of this paper is as follows: Anaximander’s pinax has been a very momentous invention, to the point that, since then, mankind has never stopped producing and refining maps of every type. It is therefore a pity that this invention happens to be treated (esp. by students of Greek Philosophy) as something secondary, absolutely unworthy to be treated as an eminently representative one. But what may be implied in such an invention remains to be analyzed.
This paper, prepared for a conference on Diogenes Laertius, is devoted to the exploration of what this invention is likely to mean, all the more since Egyptian and Babylonian ancient maps all deal with very limited areas while, for several centuries, the Greeks seem to have known only comprehensive maps of the whole world.

245 - Il trattato di Anassimandro sulla terra
Peitho. Examina antiqua 1(4), 2013,24-61
the whole paper -- Abstract included in the paper.
1. Il sole che passa sotto la terra 2. La terra sospesa nello spazio e le ragioni della sua stabilità 3. Apeiron ed infiniti mondi? 4. La terra a forma di cilindro o rocchio di colonna 5. L'ideazione del proto-pinax e di una AU con cui 'misurare' perfino il cosmo 6. Altre tessere, non così ben stabilite, del sapere cosmologico di Anassimandro 7. Il cielo sopra di noi 8. Dai grandi spazi ai grandi tempi: il passato remotissimo della terra. Anassimandro evoluzionista 9 Il processo di essiccamento della terra 10. La preistoria dell'ecosistema in cui noi ci troviamo a vivere. Asse spaziale e asse temporale 11. "Mettersi dal punto di vista della terra" e affermare senza sapere 12. Verso una conclusione: dove collocare la nozione di apeiron e il fr. 1? 13. Il libro di Anassimandro 14. Infine: Anassimandro e Talete.

246 - Introduzione [ alla sezione AESCHINES del volume ]
F. De Luise-A. Stavru (eds.), Socratica III. Studies on Socrates, the Socratics, and Ancient Socratic Literature (Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, 2013), 223-224
testo dell'articolo

247 - Reviews - Livio Rossetti, Perugia: G. Danzig, Apologizing for Socrates (Lanham MD 2010) and D. Morrison (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Socrates (Cambridge 2011)
F. De Luise-A. Stavru (eds.), Socratica III. Studies on Socrates, the Socratics, and Ancient Socratic Literature (Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, 2013), 389-398
testo della recensione

248 - Семантическая стабильность и нестабильность у Гераклита: По случаю выхода Consecutio fragmentorum Heracliti Сергея Муравьева
Aristeas. Philologia Classica et Historia Antiqua (Moskva) 8 (2013), 181-198
testo dell'articolo (trad. A. Zolotukhina)
l'originale in italiano (parziale)
My note deals with the Refectio authored by Mouraviev in 2011. The new Heraclitus is highly welcome because, thanks to it, one has the possibility of experiencing an extended text 'by' Heraclitus where his ideas become much more qualified than ever in the past. As a matter of fact, once embedded in a context, the meaning of most fragments can only become context- dependent, and therefore incomparably more definite. This way, a much narrower line of thought does emerge. Now the new Heraclitus assessed by Mouraviev seems to leave little room to doubts about its overall structure, while remaining very flexible (and sometimes highly disputable) with regard to a number of details. In turn, this sort of flexibility is likely to grant a future to Mouraviev's refectio because the structure is compatible with many different opinions about individual passages and related topics.

249 - Scuola per piccoli Socrate
IlSole24ore 'Domenica' del 23 dic. 2013 testo dell'articolo
Dal 2005 in poi hanno cominciato ad uscire libri che riportano le riflessioni dei bambini con ordine, mantenendo cioè il riferimento alla classe e alle date e garantendo in tal modo la riconoscibilità di ciò che viene riferito.
Queste opere aprono una nuova era, o almeno danno il via a un nuovo genere letterario di grande interesse filosofico.


250 - I paradossi sono macchine per pensare
Diogene Magazine 36 (2014), 62-66
testo dell'articolo
What just may seem, but is not, a paradox? This is my starting point.
Che cosa può passare per un paradosso, ma non lo è? Questo è il mio punto di partenza.

251 - FORUM "Il diritto alla filosofia"
testo del FORUM a stampa
Il tema indicato dal titolo è stato dapprima dibattuto per email (primavera 2014). Queste mail sono andate a far parte del forum apparso nel n° 1-2/014 di AMICA SOFIA insieme con altri testi.
Subito dopo è decollato un vasto dibattito sull'argomento in

Questi ulteriori interventi sono disponibili anche qui: il dibattito nei giorni 10-20 nov. 014 e qui: il dibattito nei giorni 20-30 nov. 014.

252 - Eraclito si identifica con i suoi 130-135 frammenti?
This is the Preface to I. Pozzoni (ed.), L'oscurità di Eraclito di Efeso (Villasanta MB, Limina Mentis, 2014), 5-27.
testo dell'articolo
Suppose you're an archeologist and are trying to recover the available fragments of a broken Athenian kylix. Will you ignore the 'less intersting' pieces? Well, most editors and students of Heraclitus are accustomed to concentrate on the ipsissima uerba Heracliti and try to combine them for the best while ignoring what does not have the status of an undisputable quotation from his book. But can we presume that no interesting clue is likely to surface from all the rest of what we are able to know about Heraclitus' book?
The above to give an idea of the merits that, despite some (and some serious) shortcomings, the REFECTIO of this lost book on the part of Serge Mouraviev (2011) has, if any, because he does not dismiss what fails to have the status of a 'fragment' stricto sensu.
Further remarks on frgs. 1, 3, 94.

On p. 6 line 16 read "prima intorno" instead of "prima i torno".

253 - Il proto-trattato, la proto-summa di Anassimandro
in ΚΑΛΛΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΕΤΗ/BELLEZZA E VIRTÙ. Studi in onore di Maria Barbanti, a cura di R. Loredana Cardullo e Daniele Iozzia (Bonanno Editore, Catania 2014), 39-51.
testo dell'articolo
After some preliminary remarks about the Presocratics and how Anaximander happens to be accounted for in the "Neue Überweg" (volume devoted to the "Frühgriechische Philosophie", 2013), I offer some conjectures on how Anaximander's book is likely to have been structured.
From that it seems to follow that Anaximander has the rare merit of having devised and prepared the very first treatise meant to serve as a comprehensive account of a stated body of (inchoative) knowledge. In fact, this way, a model or pattern came to be established, namely the sort of book called "Peri Physeos".
If so, the inventor of the very idea of treatise was not Aristotle, or Herodotus, or Hippocrates, but Anaximander.

NB/ in note 5, line 3, read 'Tra il 1927 e il 1934', not 'Tra il 1934 e il 1937'.

254 - Elogio delle antilogie
in E. Moscarelli, Sofoi, Sofisti: Filosofi (Napoli, Liguori, 2014), IX-XIV
Testo dell'articolo.
Antilogies formed a privileged sort of writings where Sophistic excellence could manifest itself at the best.
Hardly a doubt on this point, since mastery works as the
Tetralogies by Antiphon, or the Helen and Palamedes by Gorgias, the final agōn of Aristophanes' Clouds or Thucydides' Melian dialogue are there to offer ample evidence of that.
But the list of antilogies is much richer and antilogies have a logic of their own, worth being uncovered.

255 - Anassimene vs. Anassimandro
in A. Gostoli-R. Velardi (eds.), Mythologein. Mito e forme del discorso nel mondo antico. Studi in onore di Giovanni Cerri
Pisa, Serra, 2014, 160-167.
This paper deals with Anaximenes' rejection of a key doctrine of Anaximander, namely that the sun is able to complete its circular motion around the earth, since the earth, in turn, far from being indefinitely deep, has a lower as well as an upper limit, is located at the centre of the universe, is stable and does not incur the risk to fall.
Anaximenes' rejection found followers (non just Xenophanes), until Parmenides resumed the basic idea of Anaximander with new conjectures and arguments.
So, these old sophoi didn't disagree only about the 'arche', whether it is to be identified with 'to apeiron' or air.

Il frontispizio del volume.
Testo dell'articolo (in bozze).

256 -


257 - Phaedo's Zopyrus (and Socrates' confidences)
U. Zilioli (ed.), From the Socratics to the Socratic Schools (New York & London, Routledge, 2015), 82-98
Testo dell'articolo.
Phaedo of Elis, the author of few Socratic dialogues, has been traditionally neglected, much as if we knew nothing of value about him. The main claim of this paper is that he deserves to be regularly taken into account when dealing with Socrates, and also with the beginnings of philosophy in Greece, since at least his Zopyrus has a key testimony to offer on both topics.
Especially noteworthy seem to be (a) the fact that his Socrates dares to speak about himself and reveal a feature of his natural inclinations the writer presumes to have remain wholly undetected by his regulars; (b) the appearance, here as well in Aeschines's Alcibiades, of one of the most ancient evidence about one's confidences, taken as eminently revealing remarks; (c) the availability of explicit references to philosophy, and to an idea of philosophy whose prestige happens to be linked to its pragmatic potentialities, rather than to one or more doctrines.

258 - Storia e preistoria della filosofia: alcune date cruciali
This paper will appear on ARCHAI vol. 16.
Philosophy is often taken to be something that is always possible, so so that everyone is fully entitled (and no one can avoid) sketching a ‘philosophy’ of his/her own. Nevertheless, it is widely assumed that philosophy began in Miletus with Thales. But it is equally well known that the Presocratics remained unaware of being philosophers, and therefore could not even have wanted to be identified that way.
These three points are not mutually compatible. So, what lies behind them? What is escaping our attention when we state them?
Probably an event in Plato’s life that has too often gone unnoticed: the key role he played in giving form and substance to philosophy, and in getting it to take root once and for all. Failure to acknowledge how, when, and on whose initiative philosophy came to occupy a very important place in Western culture and education for two and a half millennia; not including a note on this process in biographies of Plato; and overlooking another key event that probably occurred about 350-45 BC - these are just some of the unwelcome effects linked to the usual silence about the period in which philosophy took form.

In the meanwhile, on Feb. 13, 2015, the ms. has been put on and a FORUM has been opened.
The comments posted in the forum are available here: Il dibattito (feb.-mar. 2013).

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